Friday, 24 November 2017

Forex Trading Trenere Macd 3 Trading

Gjennomgå Besøksside. Dette er et utmerket handelssystem for folk som er ny på forexarenaen. Det er et omfattende system som lærer deg hvordan prisaksjonen fungerer innenfor støtte - og motstandsområder. Du vil ha oddsen stablet til din fordel for å ha størst sannsynlighet for suksess. når du tar en handel ved å forstå hvordan markedet virkelig fungerer, og dette er hva Steve og Wade lærer. Ditt abonnement inneholder de fleste verktøyene som er nødvendige for å lykkes. LIVE TRADING WEBINARS 5 dager i uken i New York-sesjonen hvor det blir diskutert levende handelsoppsett før det skjer. På denne måten bestemmer du hvorvidt du vil komme inn på markedet når handelen setter opp. Fordelene med disse webinarene kan ikke være undervurdert fordi det ikke er etterspørselshandel. Det er i øyeblikket sanntidsmarkedsanalyse. En daglig handel plan som forutsier potensielle handel oppsett som vil oppstå i løpet av de neste 8 til 12 timer Dette er ditt veikart for å veilede deg om hvilke mulige handler som kan bli tilgjengelige for deg i de asiatiske London handelssessene Selv om markedet er dynamisk og endrer seg , denne planen i forbindelse med forståelse og anvendelse av kursinnholdet vil gi deg de beste sjansene for høy sannsynlighet for handels suksess. Ukentlig opplæring WEBINAR - OG HANDELSOVERSIGT Hver fredag ​​går Steve gjennom de forrige handlingene i uken, diskuterer hvordan og hvorfor de var levedyktige på det tidspunktet, og svarer på spørsmål om oppsettene. I tillegg diskuteres emner som handler om handel, herunder handelspsykologi, risikobelønning ledelse, gjennomgang av handelskurset macd3 osv. En grundig, omfattende kurs som går i detalj om hvordan og hvorfor markedet beveger seg i den måten det gjør. Prinsippkomponentene i dette systemet inkluderer prishandling, støttemotstand, risikostyring og anvendelse av spesifikke indikatorer. HANDEL ASSISTANT EXPERT ADVISER Dette verktøyet bidrar til å automatisere handlerne Spesifikt begrense bestillinger, automatisk stoppposisjon og bevegelse for å bryte jevnt, og fortjeneste etterspørsel kan alle brukes til å maksimere handelspotensialet. LIVE TRADING ROOM Dette rom for private medlemmer gir medlemmer muligheten til å diskutere handelsoppsett og emner som er relevante for macd3-systemet som de skjer i sanntid. HANDELOVERSIGT BACKLOG Innenfor medlemmene er det år med tidligere registrerte treningsøkter. Dette er Steve og Wades ekte hemmelige våpen. Her kan du tilbringe dager med å lære og forfine dine ferdigheter i hvordan kurset blir brukt. Dette viser at selv når markedet endres, kjerneprinsippene til macd3-systemet har opprettholdt sin konsistens og integritet i å kunne handle i alle markedsforhold. Nå er alt som blir sagt, jeg føler meg som om en ærlig vurdering bør også inkludere ting som kan hjelpe deg med å få mest mulig ut av dette bestemt system som fungerte for meg. Å KUNNE ØKONOMISK GRUNNLEGGENDE TIDING Macd3 er et veldig sterkt teknisk system som ikke drøfter lengden grunnleggende analyse Dette er OK fordi jeg har funnet det meste av markedsflytene via teknisk strøm ca 70 til 80 av tiden. Men å vite når en grunnleggende rapport er Å komme ut kan hjelpe deg å balansere beslutningen om å komme inn i en handel eller ikke. For eksempel kan det være å vite at en rapport kommer ut klokka 08.00 EST ved hjelp av for eksempel å hjelpe deg å sette opp handelsassistenten for å sette en grenseordre på et forutbestemt teknisk nivå På denne måten kan meget raske markedsbevegelser bli kapitalisert på Ellers, du kan savne et nivå fordi det er ramt, og et minutt senere har markedet allerede flyttet langt nok unna for å hindre deg i å komme tilbake til handel. Videre er det visse grunnleggende nyheter beveger markedet mer enn andre, slik at man kjenner den forholdsmessige historiske bevegelsen for hver rapport jeg bruker, kan hjelpe deg med din handelsavgjørelse om du vil bruke en bestemt teknikk al nivå eller ikke ved utgivelsen av en gitt rapport. REALISTISK HANDELSFORVENTNINGER Vær forberedt på å ha 3 til 5 handelsmuligheter per uke for hver av New York og London-øktene. Noen ganger har den asiatiske økten muligheter, men det meste av tiden vil oppstartene dine oppstå i London eller New York. Dette betyr at kan være mye å vente i mellom handler Selv om macd3-systemet er en DAY TRADING-strategi, betyr dette ikke at du vil få handel hver gang du setter deg ned for å handle. Steve og Wade lærer at det å vite når du skal handle er like viktig som å vite når IKKE å handle, og at tålmodighet er absolutt nødvendig for å kapitalisere på bare de beste mulighetene Hvis du er en scalper vil du mest sannsynlig ha mer enn denne mengden handler På samme måte, hvis du er sving eller stilling handelsmann, vil du ikke fokusere så intenst i de travle tider på markedet som vanligvis varer 3 til 4 timer per økt Selv om dette systemet kan endres for sving og posisjon handel, hovedfokus og deretter din ABS OLUT DISCIPLINED FOCUS, må være tilgjengelig når markedet beveger seg mest i begynnelsen av hver økt. Tålmodighet er absolutt nøkkel, og hvis du ikke har utviklet denne ferdighetene med disiplin og tålmodighet, vil du heller ikke lykkes med dette systemet eller markedet vil tvinge deg å følge med. BRUK AV DEN TILGJENGENDE EXPERT ADVISEREN Dette kan virke åpenbart, men jeg oppfordrer deg til å dra nytte av dette svært nyttige verktøyet Mange ganger i live trading webinar er det satt opp et oppsett på brettet, og det er opp til deg å trekke avtrekkeren og starte handel når prisen kommer inn i et bestemt nivå Mange ganger kan prisen spike inn i nivået, og hvis du ikke betaler oppmerksomhet i det samme øyeblikk, vil du gå glipp av muligheten. Det er sant at inngangsprisen kan endres avhengig av hvor et teknisk nivå er sier å gjøre det over tid, men du vil nesten alltid ha muligheten til å endre nivået for å kunne fange en oppføring, hvis prisen stiger inn i prisnivået. Den beste måten å gjøre dette på er å sette grenseordrer til et prisnivå til den prisen nivåendringer som forklart i kurset og under et live webinar under Steve s veiledning. Vesentlig er du ansvarlig for å være oppmerksom på om det er å sette inn en grenseordre eller stirre på skjermen og se prisen hoppe inn i ditt nivå Jeg foretrekker å bruke EA til ikke bare å få meg inn i handelen, men for å også håndtere handelen mest effektivt å kapitalisere på farten. Overvei dette En nyhetsrapport kommer ut og peker markedet i din favør 150 pips om 5 minutter, og så kommer tilbake for å bryte selv Hvis du ikke brukte EA, ville du mest sannsynlig ha savnet hele trekket. Videre, hvis du ikke brukte EA-stopp-funksjonen, hva ville du ende opp med. Det er bedre å fange 120 pips av de mulige 150 enn ingen Med andre ord er det virkelig i din beste interesse å bruke handelsassistenten. Bare en handel kan gi deg over hundre pips. Finale tanker Jeg tror at handelsloggen som er oppført på forsiden av macd3-siden, representerer maksimalt antall pips tilgjengelig for markedet per uke, men vær så snill å ikke forvente at du får tak i hvert pip. Med andre ord, vil du IKKE få hver eneste pip. Får ikke dette kurset og tjenesten forventer at du vil fordi det er umulig. Først kan de fleste ikke trad e alle tre økter med mindre du bor i en del av verden der det er mulig som Sørøst-Asia. For det andre representerer handelsloggen de Potensielle maksimale pips som var tilgjengelige. Mange ganger inngangsnivåer er ganske nær oppføringen fordi de er forhåndsbestemt på forhånd, men Utgangsnivået kan variere Denne variabiliteten skyldes at du bruker eller bruker ikke handelsassistenten og går ut av en handel når prisen begynner å avvise et prognostisert opptjeningsnivå. Men mange ganger kan mulige pips være ganske nær det som er representert fordi en utgang skjer på prisnivå Steve lærer nøyaktig hvordan og når man skal vurdere å utveksle en handel, og selv om prinsippet er bra, er det igjen hver handelsmenn ansvar å gå ut av enten prismålen nås eller et avslagsområde som også tar hensyn til tid hvor en pris henger ut på et nivå Dette kan høres tvetydig ut mot nye handelsmenn, men vær ikke redd for dette, spesielt når du er i livehandelsrommet, vil Steve vanligvis foreslå en prisutgang på visse kriterier og gi grunnlag for hvorfor en handel bør utelates. Denne veiledningen hjelper nye folk til å forstå når når de skal gå ut, slik at de kan begynne å integrere hvordan og når de vil gå ut i fremtiden. Kort sagt, forsøker dette systemet å lære folk å bli selvstendige tenkere og være ansvarlig for å håndtere egne handler Ja, det er sant at noen mennesker bruker denne tjenesten bare for live trade oppsett hver morgen i New York-sesjonen, men informasjonen tilgjengelig for deg på nettstedet er omfattende nok til at du til slutt kan handle uten å bruke denne tjenesten Selvfølgelig vil jeg ikke anbefale dette før du føler deg komfortabel med å ta handler på egen hånd uten deres veiledning, men sannheten er en dag denne tjenesten kanskje ikke er tilgjengelig. Jeg anbefaler derfor å dra nytte av av Steve og Wade s kurs, veiledning, veiledning og webinars for å finne ut hvordan du blir den beste handelsmannen mulig mens de fremdeles er her. Jeg har vært heldig å bruke t arving system og veiledning i over et år med stadig bedre resultater Jeg bruker for øyeblikket en 2-risiko på hver handel en ta med sitt system og nå for tiden mellom 10 og 20 per måned. Jeg øker sakte prosentandelen min per måned som min tillit til handel har vokst og derfor regner med å være gjennomsnittlig rundt 20 per måned i det kommende året 2016 Takk for all din støtte og veiledning Jeg håper bare at du er her for en stund for å hjelpe så mange andre mennesker oppnå sin økonomiske uavhengighet gjennom dette unike systemet. Jeg kjøpte et livsløpsmedlemskap i august 2013 og bruker ikke denne tjenesten lenger. Jeg føler at det var nødvendig å dele min erfaring og mening fordi jeg dedikert over et år til dette handelssystemet og mistet omtrent 30 av min LIVE-kontosaldo jeg brukte meg selv og tok dette systemet veldig seriøst jeg var på hver New York-økt handelssession webinar som jeg muligens kunne gjøre til å delta på dem når jeg var på ferie, så jeg på måneder med fortidens re corded webinars og hver fredag ​​da en annen live fast spor var på, jeg ville delta på dem også, jeg satt varsler flittig og da en handel satt opp justert som fulgte reglene og parametrene jeg tok handelen med 2 av min konto jeg visste systemet, jeg visste terminologien, jeg visste reglene og jeg var forberedt på å handle live. After å gjøre min due diligence å finne det beste systemet der ute og forske og prøve mange forex systemer vurderinger for dette systemet var stor og stod ut med vurderinger som sier strikker av 32 gevinster og ingen tap, 54 4 gevinst i 2 måneder, dette er den virkelige avtalen med 10 av 12 vurderinger som 5 star. Da var det registrerte pips profitt fra hver handelssession. Det var hundrevis og hundrevis av positive pips registrert med nesten null tap aka 80 suksess spredningsark Dette virket som om jeg endelig hadde funnet systemet mitt og trengte å søke ikke lenger. Dessverre er det ikke det jeg fant. 80 suksess spredningsarket er en av hovedgrunnene til at jeg skriver dette gjennomgang Hvis du ser på Excel-regnearket på den tiden jeg handlet dette systemet, ville du si at jeg burde ha vært lønnsomt, men jeg var ikke lønnsomt og vedvarende betydelige tap etter de strenge regler og deltok på webinarene. Det er veldig misvisende og er et uetisk Markedsføring taktikk Dette er alle og alle handler fra den daglige handelsplanen som satt opp med fortjeneste tatt nær det høyeste profittnivået handelen nådde Steve og Wade tar ikke alle disse handlene selv, men de tar kreditt for dem på regnearket. De tas i ettertid som ikke er forklart hvor som helst De eneste handler som Steve sier at han tar, er under New York-sesjonen. Etterpå er handelen min også fenomenal. Jeg ville ha kjøpt 1.000 aksjer av google under sin IPO i 2013 for 85 aksjer og solgte dem senere på den aller beste for 1000 aksjer som gir et overskudd på 915.000 Denne uoverensstemmelsen har blitt brakt opp i andre vurderinger uten at det har vært aktuelt handelsbevis for å bekjempe dette med annonse likestil tid til å gjøre det For å bevise at dette systemet egentlig er vellykket, vil alle de måtte gjøre, vise en konto gjennom myfxbook som er verifisert og viser faktiske handler tatt og faktiske gevinster gjort. Det er en gratis konto og vil faktisk bruke ekte handler i stedet for hva hvis handler Maler som leveres av TFTC brukes til å inngå handler vil alltid se bra ut i ettertid med en god handel, men når en handel er levende, kan den også sette opp servert, men deretter gå forbi det inngangsnivået for stopptap som ville gjøre etterfølgen etter Faktisk handel ser uakseptabel eller diskvalifisert Nedenfor er en kommentar fra Steve funnet på Excel-spreadsheetet som viser forklarer en 4 måneders tidsramme som ikke ble registrert i løpet av tiden jeg handlet live Igjen er det tjenester som er gratis og automatisk registrerer handler og kan verifiseres 11 4 2013- 11 8 2013 I denne handelsloggen er det noen hull hvor vi ga ut handler som vi alltid gjør, men de ble ikke skrevet ned. I tillegg til å gi ou t handler og kjører medlemskapet vårt, det er mange andre prosjekter vi har blitt slått med, og vi fikk dem ikke inn i dette dokumentet. For å fylle dem alle i nå, ville det være for tidkrevende og ville ikke være verdt vår tid til å gjøre det. Dette systemet er like pålitelig nå som det alltid har vært, med eller uten hull i våre rapporterte resultater. Så hvis du vil lage noen PIPS, må du bare bli med. Hvis det ikke er for deg, er vi glade for å tilby deg 30-dagers pengene tilbake garanti. Inconsistencies - Called trades lever etter det faktum Steve ville komme tilbake til webinar etter en handel hadde satt opp og si ok vi er i den handelen nå på XYZ nivå på det punktet mange ganger ville handelen allerede ha vært i ro selv eller nesten å ødelegge selv å gi ham et stort hopp på handelsstatistikken som er vellykket Hvorfor ville han ikke komme tilbake til webinar før, før han skulle ta handelen? Det var derfor en verifisert handelslogg ville bevise at han faktisk tok disse handlene. - Mange, mange ganger den daglige handelsplanen er ute sent, så sent jeg ikke ville se det før jeg måtte legge meg og kunne ikke sette opp handlingene mine i varslingen EA Tidsplanene for når det vil bli oppdatert, er spesifikt oppgitt Denne planen er vanligvis oppdatert mellom 3 00 og 4 00 Stillehavstiden i USA, som er mellom kl. 10.00 og 11.00.00 GMT. Denne planen gjelder til neste oppdatering. Det er ikke profesjonelt å si at du vil gjøre noe på et bestemt tidspunkt, og ikke gjøre det. Uansett om du har opptatt deg gir en tjeneste som dine medlemmer har visse forventninger. - Når Steve og Wade har prosjekter som de er opptatt av i New York-handelssessionen, lider fordi Steve ikke ser på diagrammer som vanlig. Unnskyldningen er at de gjør endringer i systemet jeg Jeg betaler ikke penger for å høre deg si at du er for opptatt til å yte den tjenesten du lovet og at jeg betaler for. -7 23 15 Steve sluttet å sende ut daglig e-post med den daglige handelsplanen på den. Med sin inkonsekvens på timing var dette hyggelig å ha en epost fordi y ou visste aldri når denne informasjonen kommer ut. I det minste med en e-post vil du vite at du har den daglige handelsplanen og kan sette opp varslene. Dette gir bare et lavere nivå av kundeservice som krever at kundene dine går inn på nettsiden og ser etter når du kan sette handelsplanen inn for dagen. Sveve s-systemet ga meg mer enn 1000 timers skjermtid som jeg fikk erfaring med å se prishandlinger, ikke indikatorer som jeg nå bruker til min handel i dag. Den uheldige tingen er for den skjermtiden jeg måtte betale betraktelig for hver av disse timene, ikke inkludert kostnaden for mitt livs-medlemskap. Å miste så mye penger var veldig skadelig for min handel psykologisk, og jeg trodde virkelig at min handel var over. Jeg måtte ta noen måneder og tenkte virkelig at handelskursen var ikke for meg, og at selv om det er den beste virksomheten i verden, ville jeg ikke lykkes. Etter min pause gikk jeg tilbake og forsket en forex service som var mitt andre valg da jeg wa ser etter systemer da jeg fant forex trading trener jeg var så fast bestemt på å handle forex for å leve jeg suget det opp og startet fra begynnelsen med en ny mentor så hardt som det var å starte på nytt det var det beste jeg kunne ha gjort Det har vært litt mindre enn et år som handler med min nye mentor på min livekonto igjen, og jeg har nesten gjort alle mine tap fra Forex trading trener jeg handler bare noen få timer i uken og bruker langsiktige diagrammer 4H og over Steve og Wade har gjort falske løfter om et 80-vinnersystem, og når det gjelder Forex er det for mange svindlere der ute allerede, og jeg føler at de har sluttet seg til klubben, men prøv å gjøre det med et smil, så ingen mistenker noe og slutter seg som medlem i noen måneder eller enda bedre kjøper et livstid medlemskap Forex trading trener må gjøre sine løfter realistiske til sine kunder og gi dem virkelige resultater som tilsvarer hva systemet ditt egentlig gjør. Vennligst oppgi en verifi ed live konto med resultater for å vise hva systemet virkelig fortjener jeg håper at denne anmeldelsen gir deg litt innsikt i hva som virkelig foregår på Forex Trading Coaches, og at du finner den beste servicen for deg som gjør at du kan lykkes. Lykke til i din trading. Reply by Forex Trading Coaches sendt 17. november 2015. Til å begynne med, hvis vår tjeneste var virkelig så ille og misvisende, og Jesse skildrer da ville vi ikke ha en 4 1-stjerneklassifisering. Det ville nok være en 1 4-stjerneklassifisering Som du alle vet med gjennomgangssider, er det nesten umulig å gjøre 100 av menneskene lykkelige 100 av tiden. Det er akkurat slik det går. Du må lese vurderingene og komme til din egen konklusjon. Vi er glade for at 80 av folket skrive vurderinger her har vært gode kunder Som sagt, en grunn til at folk registrerer seg for en coach er å få hjelp fra noen som kjenner mer enn seg selv, slik at de kan forbedre. Vi har sett flere tilfeller av medlemmer som kom til oss og trodde de visste systemet og termi nologier frem og tilbake bare for å finne ut at det ikke var tilfelle Noen kan sette 1000 timer eller hele tiden i verden til noe, men hvis de ikke praktiserer riktig, blir de bare veldig gode til å gjøre det feil. Så mens Jesse klart trodde han visste hele systemet, tilsynelatende manglet han noe. Det var bare synd han kontaktet aldri oss om tapene hans for å gi oss sjansen til å hjelpe ham med å gjøre justeringer. Fred, som dro en anmeldelse ovenfor, kommer bare til Live Trading Webinar og tar bare handler basert på oppsettene vi gir ut Han anerkjenner at han fortsatt lærer, og så er han klokt avhengig av våre samtaler om samtaler Hvis du ser på hans intervju på vår YouTube-kanal, her er lenken til intervjuet, vil du høre ham fortelle deg at han lager alle pengene sine tilbake som han har mistet handel med andre systemer. Vår Live Trading Webinar har ikke endret seg i flere år. Fred kommer og vinner mens Jesse kommer og taper, men webinar er egentlig det samme bortsett fra nå vi har en tendens til å få flere handler Den eneste forskjellen er den personen som deltar på webinaret og de valgene de gjør Det er en uheldig realitet som vi har sett før Jesse brukte mye tid i sin anmeldelse og detaljert sin oppfatning av problemene i resultatregnearket og kalte det misvisende Det er egentlig ikke villedende Det er oppriktig satt opp for å skille ut de handler som vi gir ut live under Live Trading Webinar fra handler som vi gir ut fra Daily Trading Plan Daglig handelsplan omfatter primært London Open-sesjonen, men også de asiatiske australske markedene Handelen er fargekodd for å skille mellom de forskjellige markedene. Ingen kan handle markedet 24 timer i døgnet. Det er ikke mulig. Så får du resultatene knyttet til markedet du handler. Jesse sa at vi kommer tilbake i ettertid å ha registrert utgangsprisen til best mulig pris Først og fremst er det ikke etterpå handel når handelskonfigurasjonen kalles forut i tid i en plan som vi gjør tilgjengelig t o våre medlemmer før flyttingen noen gang skjer For det andre er våre resultater svært sjelden den nøyaktige toppen, men de er ofte tette fordi vi bruker store nivåer av støttemodstand som våre mål fordi det er hvor prisen kan endre retning. Vi lærer våre medlemmer at hvis du får til eller innen 20 pips av, målnivå og pris begynner å avvise i 20-30 minutter, tar du fortjeneste før det sannsynligvis reverserer. Det er ikke perfekt, men det tillater oss ofte å komme seg ut til noen av de beste prisene. Mange av våre medlemmer som handler i live basert på Daily Trading Plan-rapporten, kommer tilbake veldig nært, eller til og med noen ganger til bedre priser enn resultatene vi registrerer. Det er mange ganger at prisen faktisk overskrider våre mål, men vi tar ikke kreditt for det. Det er også mange ganger hvor prisen stopper kort av målet vårt og vender over tidligere enn forventet, slik at vi registrerer en breakeven eller en sti-stopp for færre pips, selv om etterfølgende pris fortsetter. Så vi registrerer bare resultatene basert på handelen vi ring på forhånd og basert på den nøyaktige metoden vi lærer medlemmene våre for å avslutte om myfxbook, hvis vi noen gang gjør en signaltjeneste vil vi ha ett oppsett. Men like bra er det faktum at vi tilbyr en 30-dagers tilbakebetalingsgaranti. Kom så inn i Live Trading Webinar i 30 dager og ta handlingene vi kaller og du vil se for deg selv om hans poeng om uttalelsen om hullene i resultatene. Vi ble opptatt som vi sa på regnearket. Men bare fordi det er et gap betyr ikke at det må være en periode hvor systemet mislykkes, og det er derfor vi har ikke skrevet dem ned. Men selv om dette var sant, hvilket er det ikke, er det fortsatt et dårlig sted i en nesten 6 års historie. ganske bra med hensyn til live-handel etter det faktum i Live Trading Webinar La oss forklare hvordan Live Trading Webinar fungerer Vi legger opp handler på handelsstyret når de er kvalifiserte, og vi forteller våre medlemmer at hvis prisen kommer ned til inngangsnivå da de kan komme inn Vi forklarer m at hvis handelen er på tavlen, er det derfor kvalifisert, hvis det treffes, kan de komme inn, selv om vi ikke kommer inn på det nøyaktige øyeblikk og si det er tid for å komme inn. Handelen vil enten vinne eller miste ved det poeng og vi har ingen kontroll over det. Vi forteller også at de skal flytte stoppene til breakeven når handelen har 12 pips fortjeneste. Når handelen går langt nok til profitt for å flytte stopper til breakeven, kommer vi ofte inn og minner medlemmene på flytte deres stopp Det er sannsynlig hva Jesse hørte oss gjøre og trodde han skulle ikke være i handelen da han faktisk burde vært. Han er riktig at Daily Trading Plan ofte har vært ute senere enn vi ville. Men det gjør ikke endre dens effektivitet Planen er ment å bli brukt av den næringsdrivende som setter seg hovedsakelig i London åpent økt, men også den asiatiske økten når handler oppsett, og gjør seg klar til å handle. Selv om det var sent, da vi sendte det ut var alltid før London-sesjonen begynte Så du setter deg ned å handle, logg inn for å få Daily Trading Plan, sett opp varslene dine og følg markedet for noen timer. Slik bruker du det Og du bruker det bare når du forstår hvordan MACD 3 Forex Trading System fungerer. Om hans uttalelse om vår prosjekter som påvirker vårt Live Trading Webinar Det kan ha skjedd en eller to ganger, men 99 av tiden det ikke har. Om oss sender ikke e-posten mer for Daily Trading Plan. Det er riktig og vi forklart klart for alle våre medlemmer hvorfor mange medlemmer var ikke engang mottar e-posten fordi den skulle spam Så vi stoppet og legger det nå direkte i medlemmens område Når du er klar til å handle i London eller asiatisk økt, setter du deg ned, tar tak i planen og kommer til å arbeide Til slutt, Jesse ringte oss svindlere Det er veldig uheldig at noen ville kalle oss et navn som det, og prøv å gjøre skadelige bemerkninger om vår virksomhet når så mange andre har skrevet så gode anmeldelser Igjen har vi en 4 1 vurdering ikke en 1 4 Alle Jesse hadde å gjøre var kontakt oss og fortelle oss at han hadde et problem. Hvis han hadde det, var vi sikre på at hans historie ville være annerledes. Vi er i det minste glad for å høre at han fikk noen tekniske analyseferdigheter fra oss som han sier fortsatt bruker til denne dagen. Vi ønsker Han er best, og vi er glad for at han har funnet noe som virker for ham. Det er det vi vil ha for folk. Hvis du som handelsmann kommer inn på webinar og følger vår ledelse, bør du kunne netto 200-600 PIPS per måned ganske konsekvent Hvis dette ikke var sant, ville Fred aldri ha sagt det ved å bare følge oss utelukkende i Live Trading Webinar, at han fikk pengene tilbake, han mistet handel med andre systemer. Har aldri brukt dette systemet, men har sett deres gratis webinarer Generelle tanker er 1 Finn det morsomt at 99 av kommentarene her er positive Synes for meg som er sannsynligvis faste eller spøkelsesforfattere Men jeg har ingen bevis på det åpenbart 2 et system som ikke lærer deg å faktisk lese markeder Elliott bølge lærer deg ikke å t rade Forex Ingenting de belaster for kunne ikke læres 100 alene. Jeg har handlet i årevis og har prøvd mange såkalte systemer før jeg bestemte meg for å trene meg selv hvordan man faktisk leser diagrammer på alle tidsrammer uten noen indikatorer av noe slag for det meste gjør det mulig å finne flere muligheter enn et enkelt restriktivt og komplisert system og trene deg på de klare og åpenbare mønstrene markedet alltid har gjentatt. Reaktivt av Forex Trading Coaches sendt 16. november 2015. Denne fyren er ikke, og har aldri vært medlem, så vi lurer på hvorfor denne anmeldelsen er til og med lagt opp. Vurderinger er for folk som faktisk har prøvd systemet Basert på hans forspenning var alt han gjorde, se at vi hadde indikatorer og bestemte at det ikke burde være noe bra. Elliott Wave, hvis du virkelig ønsker å bli forvirret, begynner det. Det er ikke lett. De handlende som vi har sett, gjør det beste med Elliott Wave, er de som bruker indikatorer for å hjelpe dem å finne ut det. Du kan lære å gjøre nesten alt for fr ee, men på hvilken bekostning Tid og penger fordi du må ta de frie greiene og finne ut hva som fungerer og hva betyr det? Vårt system kan ha indikatorer for å hjelpe til med å støtte handel, men hvem som helst vet noe om MACD 3-systemet vet at det er hovedsakelig basert på pris handling og bruker bare indikatorene for å supplere hva pris handlinger forteller deg. FOREX TRADING COACHES - EXPERT ADVISOR. MACD 3 HANDEL ASSISTANT EA. MACD 3 Trade Assistant. MACD 3 Trade Assistant EA er et automatisert handelshåndteringsprogram Hva betyr dette er det du forteller om når og hvordan du skriver inn en MACD 3-handel, og den håndterer handelshåndteringen - når du skal flytte stopper til null, når stien stopper opp nærmere nåværende pris for å låse fortjenesten, og når du skal stoppe ut og lukke handelen MACD 3 Trade Assistant EA er spesielt utviklet for å lette handel med MACD 3-systemet. Noen parametere kan endres for å gjøre det oppfører seg annerledes, og kan til og med brukes til å få det til å håndtere en handel som om den var en svinghandel i stedet for en dagshandel Denne dokumentasjonen vil dekke den utformede standardadferansen i detalj, og vil forklare hvilken effekt endring visse parametere vil ha på oppførselen til programmet. Du bør eksperimentere med oppførselen til EA i demo-kontoer. Enhver bruk av EA i en live-konto er helt avgjørelsen din, og du aksepterer ansvar og ansvar for eventuelle konsekvenser som følge av bruken av programvaren, uansett uokumentert oppførsel, feilaktig bruk av deg, eller til og med programvarefeil eller feil Bruk av dette ekspertrådgiver er 100 ditt ansvar Så vær så snill å bruke det i demo, slik at du kan utdanne deg selv om bruk, og ta fullt informerte beslutninger om hvis, når og hvor du vil bruke den. På denne siden. MACD 3 Handelsassistent EA er designet for å styre en bestemt handelsstrategi, MACD 3 Forex Trading System Selv om ved å endre parametere du kan gjøre det oppfører seg annerledes, er det fortsatt begrenset til visse tilnærminger s mot handelsadministrasjon som er basert på MACD 3 Forex Trading System. Here er en generell beskrivelse av hvordan EA oppfører seg, etterfulgt av mer detaljerte forklaringer Når du bruker EA til å utføre en handel, åpner den to posisjoner til dagens pris eller eventuelt to ventende bestillinger til en inngangspris du betegner Du må fortelle EA om du kjøper eller selger, og hvor mange varer du vil handle i hver av de to posisjonene, den vil åpne. Hvordan handler en handel. Noen meglere lar ikke stoppe og Grenser som skal plasseres i første rekkefølge, vil EA først åpne posisjonene, deretter endre dem med stopp og grenser. EA opererer ved å åpne to handler med mye og et innledende mål for å velge First, åpner hver posisjon, deretter det endrer stopp og grenser for hver posisjon Hvis endringene mislykkes av en eller annen grunn som ugyldige stoppgrenser eller andre grunner, bør du få et meldingsvindu som forteller deg at det ikke klarte å sette stopper og eller begrense, og at du burde manuere Jeg endrer handlingene selv for å sette gyldige stopp eller grenser. Uansett om du ser en slik melding, bør du ALTID verifisere at de opprinnelige posisjonene er det du ment at de skal være. Det finnes alltid en rekke måter som enten gjennom programvare feil, meglerproblemer eller enkle brukerfeil og feilmeldinger fra din side at handelen kan bli oppgitt annerledes enn du forventet. KONTROLLER ALDRIG DINE POSITJONER SOM EA SETTER DEM. Hvordan handles det. EA styrer handelen basert på statusen til de to handler, de inngangsparametrene du har brukt, og generelle regler for MACD 3 Trading System Det er to forskjellige stadier av handelsstyring. Du har to posisjoner i utgangspunktet, man har en vanskelig grense med megleren den første mål og den andre har ingen grenseverdi Begge har vanskelige stoppfall satt med megleren Handelen med den harde grensen anses Stilling 1 og den uten grense er Stilling 2 Først overvåker EA kun overvåkning for den første posisjonen å lukke Denne lukkingen kan skyldes at handelen når sin harde grense, eller kan være et resultat av at du manuelt lukker handelen før den harde grensen er nådd. Uansett vurderer EA hendelsen for den første handelens lukking til være det samme som det første målet blir rammet. Så snart EA merker at den første handelen er lukket, forsøker den umiddelbart å flytte stoppet av den andre posisjonen til jevn - noe som betyr at stoppet er lik inngangsprisen. Hvis du manually close the first trade so close to your entry price that the broker does not allow the stop to be moved there some brokers require modified stops be a minimum 5 pips away from current price , then the EA will repeatedly be sending modify orders to the broker , and the broker will be repeatedly refusing them You should try to avoid this So, be aware of what your broker minimums are if you are trying to manually close position 1 early. Once position 1 is closed and the EA moves the stop of position 2 to even, then it is monitoring the second position to trail the stop according to the internal rules of the MACD 3 Trading System and the parameters you have set in the EA The parameters pipsBehindLevelForStop default 10 and minimumStopLossPips default 30 are what control the moving of the stop loss during the course of the trade The Level in pipsBehindLevelForStop are the 25 pip levels of the price levels indicator However, the EA is not aware of the price levels indicator It knows the price levels are every 25 pips because the EA parameteter levelPipSize is set to 25 by default If you changed this parameter to 50, it would behave as though the levels are every 50 pips. So, what is it monitoring Based upon the default values, as soon as current price is a minimum of 30 pips away from the price that is 10 pips behind the nearest price level, it will move the stop loss to that price This means that when a trade is going your way, the majority of the time your stop loss is grea ter than 30 pips Also, if you consider the math behind this approach you will find that it translates to moving the stop loss to 10 pips behind the most recent level every time current price gets within 5 pips of the upcoming level about to be reached This is exactly consistent with the MACD 3 Trading System If you change any of the three previously mentioned parameters you will get significantly different behavior from the EA For example, if you wanted to have the EA monitor more of a swing trading strategy with bigger stops, you could change the minimumStopLossPips from 30 to 55, and the effect would be that when price came within 5 pips of the next level, the stop would move to 10 pips behind not the previous level, but the level before that These examples are being given only to help explain how the logic works We are not suggesting that you actually make any of these changes CHANGES TO THESE THREE PARAMETERS HAVE NOT BEEN EXTENSIVELY TESTED PLEASE EXPERIMENT WITH THEM ON A DEMO AC COUNT UNTIL YOU ARE SATISFIED WITH THE RESULT The average user should not be concerned with changing these parameters We are providing this information because somebody out there will probably be wondering. levelPipSize 25 pipsBehindLevelForStop 10 minimumStopLossPips 55.When price gets within 5 pips of the upcoming price level, stop will be moved to 10 pips behind the second level behind The reason it occurs within 5 pips of the next level is because 10 pips behind one level is the possible stop new stop loss When current price is 55 pips ahead of that point, then the stop is moved Because the price levels are 25 pips apart, then 10 pips behind one level, plus 55 pips means it is always within 5 pips of the next level There is no parameter controlling 5 pips from the next level , it is just a result of the mathematics of the three parameters. levelPipSize 50 pipsBehindLevelForStop 10 minimumStopLossPips 50.When price gets within 10 pips of the upcoming level, stop will be moved to 10 pi ps behind the previous level which calculates to 50 pips behind current price. levelPipSize 25 pipsBehindLevelForStop 5 minimumStopLossPips 30.When price hits a new level, stop will be moved to 10 pips behind the previous level This is because the price that is 10 pips behind the prior level plus 30 pips will equal the upcoming price level. How a trade is closed. As previously discussed, the first trade is closed when it hits the hard limit that was set with the broker Once that trade has closed then the EA monitors the second position s profit and moves the stop loss periodically as previously discussed The second trade is closed when price falls back to the hard stop loss set with the broker, or until you manually close the trade If you manually close the trade the EA will detect that and will stop monitoring. Things that you can t or shouldn t do. You can only have one set of EA trades open on one currency pair In other words, you may have EA managed trades open in the EURJPY, and also i n the EURUSD, and also in the USDJPY, etc, but you may not have one set of trades in the EURUSD managed by the EA and also have another set of trades in the EURUSD also managed by the EA Please do NOT try to work around this limitation -- you will not be successful Even if you have another installation of your trade station on another computer, if you are logged into the same trading account on both, an instance of the EA on trade station 2 will still recognize the trades that were placed on trade station 1 and will attempt to control them You will not be able to enter another set of trades on that currency pair, and instead will have two instances of the EA on the same currency pair on two different trade stations, each fighting the other to manage the trade. You must avoid manually closing out the first position trade if the second position is not in enough profit to allow the EA to move the stop to even Brokers have a requirement that a newly modified stop loss be a minimum number of pips away from current price Often this is set to 5 pips but is controlled by the individual broker The EA does NOT know what this broker setting is All it knows is that if there is only one position open, then it assumes it is the second position and that the first position limited out It will immediately and repeatedly attempt to move the stop loss on the remaining position to equal its entry price move stop to zero profit It is perfectly OK to manually close the first position early in order to trigger this action, however, if you do this when current price is too close to your entry, then you will cause the EA to continually and repeatedly attempt to move the stop loss to an invalid price This will clog the trading thread in your trade station, flood the broker with invalid trade modification requests, and generally cause your trade station to misbehave If you ever find that you manually closed a first position too close to current price for the EA to move the stop on the remainin g position, your best course of action would be to remove the EA from the chart and manually manage the remaining position Once the remaining position is in enough profit to legally move the stop, you can put the EA back on the chart, set its initial parameters again, and it will find the trade and start managing it again. You should avoid manually closing the second position trade while leaving the first position open If you do this, it will treat the 1st position as though it was the the second position and attempt to move the stop to zero and trail stop the trade even though it has its own hard limit set with the broker. You must avoid trying to set up pending orders too close to current price Brokers have a requirement that the entry price of a new order be a minimum number of pips away from current price Often this is 5 pips but it is controlled by the individual broker If you attempt to have the EA put in a pending entry order too close to current price, the order will fail to be p laced, and it will seem to you like the EA is not working It will not flood the broker with repeated and continuous attempts to enter the trade It will retry a few times and then give up However, it will appear to you like the EA is not working You may get an error displayed in a window two times - once for each trade it attempted to open You will also have additional information in the Experts tab of the Terminal window of the MT4 trade station. Once the first position has closed whether you closed it manually or it hit its hard limit , the EA immediately attempts to move the stop loss of the second position even with the entry price If for some reason you want to keep the stop loss earlier than entry, you will not be able to keep it there while the EA is running If you modify the stop to be at -5 pips profit, the EA will detect the first position has closed and so will reset the stop loss back to even The only way you will be able to maintain a stop loss less than even after the first position has closed, is to either turn off EAs at the trade station level, turn off Allow Live Trading in the property window for this particular instance of the EA, or, remove the EA from the chart completely Once the EA is no longer monitoring the trade, you can change the stop loss to less than even and the EA will not be live to change it back Once you want your stop loss at even or greater, and you want the EA to resume managing the trade, simply undo whatever process you chose to disable the EA and it will detect the trade and start monitoring it again. Things you can do without disrupting the EA. You may shut down your trade station and restart it Of course, during the time your trade station is shut down the EA is not monitoring the trades But, when the trade station restarts, chart windows with the EA on them will search for trades that belong to them and if any are found, they will resume managing them. You may close a chart or remove an EA from a chart, and although the trades will no longer be monitored, you are still able to put the EA back on that chart, set its parameters to match the trade that is currently live, and it will resume monitoring the trade. If you have EA monitored trades open in a currency pair, you may open additional positions in that pair manually without interfering with the trades that are being managed by the EA You may also use the EA to open and manage trades in OTHER currency pairs, and each instance of the EA will manage the trades of its own currency pair without interfering with the EA managed trades of the other currency pairs You may NOT have multiple instances of EA managed trades on the SAME currency pair In other words, if you have EA managed trades in the EURUSD, you cannot open another set of EA managed trades on the EURUSD. You can have another trade station running on another computer logged into the same trading account, and if drop the EA on a chart it will take over management of any trades that were opened by the EA on that currency pair For example, you have a laptop and you opened EA managed trades on it However, you need to leave and take your laptop with you If you have another PC at your house with the trade station and MACD 3 Forex Charts Pro Enhancements installed on it, you can turn off the EA on your laptop and set up the EA on your other PC and the other PC will take over management of the trade. You can set up your parameters well in advance of the trade setup happening, so when the time comes you already have the parameters set up and ready to go -- just display the EA properties window by clicking on the smiley face on the chart that is running the EA, verify your settings are correct, and click OK to execute the trades To set up the options in advance, simply follow the instructions for setting up the EA, but when the final confirmation dialog is displayed, choose No See Confirming The Trade below. How the EA keeps track of trades. The EA uses an internal numbering system that lets it analyze all open trades on your trade station and discover if any of those trades are in the currency pair that the EA is on, and if any of the trades in that currency pair were opened by the EA So, even if the trade station was temporarily shut down, or if a chart with the EA on it was accidentally closed, when the EA starts up again on a chart it can retake control of trades if they were set up by the EA on that same currency pair. Find it in the Navigator. Choosing Navigator under the View menu of your trade station, or pressing Ctrl N will display the Navigator window Scroll down to the item called Expert Advisors If it has a sign next to it, click on it to expand the node and see all the expert advisors that are installed on your trade station Locate the one called MACD 3 Trade Assistant. Drop it on a chart. To execute the EA for a currency pair, simply click down on the MACD 3 Trade Assistant, drag it to a chart of the currency pair you wish to trade, and drop it on the chart See How do I Know an EA is Running On A Currency Pair for more information. Whenever you drop the EA on a chart, you will see the following window, called the Properties window This window contains all the parameters in the Input tab, and other settings in the Common tab The first time you use the EA, you must verify that the settings in the Common tab of the properties window are set like the following example If you do not Allow Live Trading and Allow DLL imports AND Allow import of external experts , then the EA will not work If you accidentally have checked the Confirm DLL function calls you will get lots of nagging confirmation windows and it could interfere with the functionality of the EA. The EA already asks for manual confirmation before entering live or pending orders, so, having the Ask manual confirmation is redundant, and may also interfere with timely execution of your two initial positions if you are trying to enter in at current market price. Set the parameters. Next you must tell the EA how when you want your trade executed, and how you want it to manage it Parameters are documented here Parameters and in greater detail here Parameters - Detailed Explanations. Confirm the trade. After you have entered all your parameters, and you click Ok on the Inputs tab, you will get a final confirmation window You will get one of the two windows below depending upon whether you are setting up live market orders or pending entry orders. If you click Yes , then the EA will attempt to execute your trades If you click No , then the EA will not execute your trades, however, it will still be installed on the chart with your current parameters settings You can shut down and restart your trade station, or change chart periods timeframes, and the EA will not reinitialize and attempt to make trades The EA will only attempt to execute trades when the last action was clicking OK on the Inputs tab of the property window. So you have the ability to set up the EA parameters ahead of time, an d after clicking OK on the Inputs tab, simply click No on the confirmation window This will give you the ability to quickly execute the EA when the trade you are looking for actually sets up If you have a non-trading EA installed on a chart and you want to make it execute your trade, simply click on the smiley face on the chart which will display the properties window, confirm that your parameters are set correctly, and click OK in the input tab You will again see one of the above confirmation windows This time, click Yes and the EA will execute your trades. If an EA is intalled on a chart, you will see one of the following three graphics in the upper right corner of the chart. Here is what each of these graphics mean to you, and what you can should do about them. EAs are turned off at the trade station level There are two ways to turn EAs on for the entire trade station One is through the menus, and the other is with a toolbar If EAs are off at the trade station level, your Standard Tool bar will look like this. The Expert Advisors button shows that EAs are turned off This is a toggle switch, so by clicking on the button it will turn EAs on at the trade station level and then the Standard Toolbar will look like this. This setting is also controlled through the menus by clicking the Tools menu, choosing Options and making sure the first option of Enable Expert Advisors except for Custom Indicators and Scripts is checked It is also important that other options checked in the graphic below are also checked in your trade station. This graphic means that even though EAs are turned on at the trade station level, the individual EAs property window is not allowing live trading You need to be sure you check the options discussed in Settings Required For First Time Use You may also find that even though you have a smiley face the EA is still not trading Check to be sure that the Allow Live Trading in the Tools - Options window above is also checked. This graphic means that your EA is set up to trade, or is actually actively trading When you drop the EA on a chart and set up the parameters, even if you click No to the final trading confirmation window, the EA will still be displayed with a smiley face So, what the smiley face means is that the EA is working , it doesn t necessarily mean it is trading or monitoring trades. How do I know if an EA is actively monitoring my open trades. If an EA is installed on a chart, and it is being displayed with the smiley face, then you will be able to tell if it is monitoring trades by a message displayed in the upper left corner of the chart it is on Here are the messages that tell you about the EAs status. The EA is not monitoring any trades. The EA is in the process of attempting to open live or pending orders This message will only be displayed during the time that it is actually processing trade requests. If the market is closed, or your requested prices are invalid, or your stops or limits are invalid, you will see an error win dow, and also see this message in the upper right area. This is what it will look like if your EA is monitoring your live or pending orders When you see this message, you know that the EA has found orders for this currency that belong to it, and it is monitoring them. If you manually close the first position, the EA will move the stop loss of the second position to even. If you manually change the hard limit of the first position, then the EA will not attempt to move the stop loss of the second position to even until the first position has limited out. If you remove the limit from the first position, the EA will never move stop losses until the first position is closed. If you set a limit on the second position instead of letting the EA manage the trade, then when it limits out the EA will detect that its job is done and will stop trying to monitor trades. If the first position is closed and the EA is moving trailing the stop on your second position, if you move the stop further back the EA will just move the stop loss back up to where it is programmed to be You will have to disable the EA if you want to have larger than the managed stop losses. If the first position is closed and the EA is moving trailing the stop on your second position, you may modify the stop loss of the second position to be closer to current price without affecting the EA The EA will continue to monitor trades without objection if you have changed the stop loss to be closer than the default management methodology However, as previously stated, if you move the stop loss further away than the default management methodology, the EA will detect that the stop loss is further away than it should be and it will simply move it back to where it was before you modified it. To remove the EA from a chart, simply right-click anywhere on the chart, choose Expert Advisors then choose Remove. When you drop the EA on a chart, an options window is displayed The parameters for the MACD 3 Trade Assistant are listed under the Inputs tab The parameters that start with the character and are in all upper case are not real parameters - they have no effect on the program They are there so you can see quick reminder descriptions of the purpose of different parameters. Required Must be equal to BUY or SELL or buy or sell without the quotes. LOTST1 LOTS FOR TRADE THAT LIMITS FIRST LOTST2 LOTS FOR TRADE THAT TRAILS TARGETPRICE PRICE LIMIT OF 1ST POSITION. These are only comments to remind you at runtime what some of the parameters mean You never change the value of parameters that start with a character and are all upper case. Required This is the lot sizes for the first and second positions the EA will open T1 is the first position that gets the hard limit set, T2 is the second position that is managed, trail stopped, etc. This is the price of the limit of the first position You do not need to adjust for the spread when buying or selling. Leave this at zero, and EA enters live trades at current market price Put i n a price, and the EA enters pending entry orders at that price You DO need to adjust for the spread when BUYing. This is used to calculate the initial stop loss of the positions when they are opened. This tells the EA the size of your price levels Just like the price level indicator the blue lines every 25 pips , this number tells the EA that the price levels you are using are 25 pip multiples. PIPSBEHINDLEVELFORSTOP PIPS - PRICE LEVEL TO SET STOP pipsBehindLevelForStop 10.This tells the EA that stops are based upon 10 pips beyond a price level This is how it knows its stop loss levels are 10 pips beyond each 25 pip price level. This tells the EA to never move the stop loss closer than 30 pips from current price. BUYorSELL - Default Value. Required Must be equal to BUY or SELL or buy or sell without the quotes You cannot mix case In other words, Buy or BUy or bUY will not work. lotsT1 - Default Value 0 00.Required This is the lot size for the first position the EA will open The first positi on gets the hard limit set to close at the first target The closing of the first position triggers the EA to move the stop of the second position to be even with the entry price Once this position has closed the EA will monitor the second position to trail the stop. lotsT2 - Default Value 0 00.Required This is the lot size for the second position the EA will open The second position has no hard limit set When the first position limits, it triggers the EA to move the stop of the second position to be even with the entry price and then monitors the trade to trail the stop. targetPrice - Default Value 0 00.Required The hard limit of the first position will be set to this price You do not need to adjust for the spread when buying or selling The EA will use the current spread at the time of the order to calculate the limit price based upon the chart price bid price you enter here. startAtPrice - Default Value 0 00.Leave this at zero, and EA enters live trades at current market price Put in a p rice, and the EA enters pending entry orders at that price NOTE Unlike target price you MUST account for the spread when setting up a pending order for a buy A sell will be at chart price Bid but a buy will be at the Ask price which is the chart price plus the spread When entering a pending buy order, you must use a price that is likely to be the Ask price when the chart price reaches your entry level. minStopLossPips - Default Value 23.This is used to calculate the initial stop loss of the positions when they are opened Based upon a 25 pip price grid and the fact that stop losses are by default placed 10 pips beyond a price level, this helps the EA know if it should set the initial stop in back of a nearer level or a further level If a stop loss 10 pips beyond the first level is less than 23 pips, then it will check on the price 10 pips beyond the next level, and continue to do so until the stop loss would be a minimum of 23 pips. levelPipSize - Default Value 25.This tells the EA the si ze of your price levels Just like the price level indicator the blue lines every 25 pips , this number tells the EA that the price levels you are using are 25 pip multiples. pipsBehindLevelForStop - Default Value 10.This tells the EA that stops are based upon 10 pips beyond a price level This is how it knows its stop loss levels are 10 pips beyond each 25 pip price level. minTrailStopPips - Default Value 30.This tells the EA to never move the stop loss closer than 30 pips from current price So, if 10 pips past the most recent price level is not 30 pips away, then it will continue checking for deeper stop loss levels until it is at least 30 pips away from current price Setting this at 30 causes the EA to move the stop to 10 pips before the prior price level as soon as it comes within 5 pips of the next price level The EA always looks to move stops within 5 pips of a price level That 5 pip proximity is not changeable through parameters. U S Open LIVE Trading Webinar Daily 5 45am -9 00am PT 1 45 pm GMT. In this webinar, You get to sit down and trade with us live every day during the New York Trading Session. We show you the MACD 3 Trade setups that are qualified We break them down for you according to the rules and give you the exact entry, stop loss and targets. The webinar usually generates 3 to 5 trades totalling about 80 to 150 pips a week Log into the members area to register. Asian London Open Daily Trading Plan Email. This email is our trading plan for the Asian and London sessions It s just like having us right by your side telling you exactly what to look for. We send it out Monday-Thursday near the Asian Open with detailed instructions for taking MACD 3 System trades during the Asian London Opens. The Daily Trading Plan usually generates 3 to 5 trades and 80 to 150 pips a week. MACD 3 Forex Trading System Online Course Login Anytime. You will learn the rules to the MACD 3 System and the 4 Setup Patterns we look for. It s a day trading system that works on all currency pai rs in all market conditions. You will learn the same system that we have used to give out 80 winning trades to our members since 2009.They are honest, and most importantly have developed a system, that rarely stops out I have been with them for a couple of years I admit, you must dedicate time to learn the system, and the new macd 2 0 is even easier to learn If you master this system, it will teach you how to trade, and earn money The risk to reward is excellent I am a lifetime member, the deal was to great to pass up They are devoted, and Steve is such a great teacher They are there everyday at 8 45 est for New York session and provide a nightly email with trade recs for Asian London which most of the time is out by 11 00 pm or so est These recommendations are done for you, so as you learn you earn They also have trade management software to further reduce your chances for losing trades Their reported wins losses are accurate on their website In my opinion, give them a try, they are on e of the needles in the haystack As I am writing this, a new trade opened on euraud, and I am up15 pips in a couple of minutes, and best yet, with their trade management I am guaranteed break even now Thanks Steve and Wade, keep up the great work. I am submitting my update of MACD3 V2 review The only thing i am not happy is that I cannot trade it FULL TIME I moved to another city having a day job and the thing is if i had the opportunity to trade it full time i certainly would I will, one day MACD3 V2 is giving me consistency of between 3-5 per month I made more then 25 since i joined and accuracy is 80 -90 Live trading rooms are so helpful, i just hate when I dont get into the room Solely from Live trading rooms, my entries are 90 accurate MACD3 works so good, and every serious trader should try it Steve and Wade are great guys and I fully support them MACD3 v2 works perfectly since I have joined The average risk I do is 0 5 per trade and I am still making 5 Steve and Wade suggest 2 ri sk so using that risk its possible to make 20 per month Fully recommended. I freaking love MACD3 system After years of mediocre success and great failure from garbage I had tried to learn, I took a leap of faith with MACD3 What I like is they have daily webinars and show us the trades we should be looking at and even tell us where to enter and exit These guys are real traders and I am amazed how often the entry is on the exact pip they recommended the pull back to It is up to you to manage trade and take the time to actually learn the system However, as you are learning you are earning You can just take the trades given and make a great number of pips, but if you actually take time to learn and start finding your own trades you will do even better The training is top notch and the fact that you can be in the daily webinar, while trading the NY session, and ask questions and get immediate feedback There is also a forum that allows you to talk to other traders while trading London and Asi an sessions I don t feel the traders use that forum to the full advantage it provides though, but that is the individual traders issue These guys are teaching you to fish while giving you the fish So I give this system a 5 star becz I have made more pips this month just from the recommended trades than I have with other systems I have used and I am finding great success finding my own trades If you try this system and can t see the value after the first month they do give refunds However, these are real traders that we talk to and trade with every day So, if you are asking for a refund you are probably not doing what they suggest and trying to tweek it yourself So, no system would work for you because you want to do your own thing But if you are able to understand English and follow what they are showing you, you will never want a refund. I have been a member with FTC for over 6 months now, and have been trading for over 4 years I have had experience of 5 or 6 different systems or tradi ng methods and feel qualified to say that the MACD 3 system is comfortably the best system I have come across It is imporetnat to understand that MACD 3 is a complete system and methodology and is all you will ever need to successfully trade the FX market The system is very mechanical and logical and removes most of the subjectivity and guesswork associated with other systems, which for me is crucial in keeping my trading emotions in check and ensuring I only take the very best setups There are very clear rules and steps to follow and system provides answers for each of the decisions a trader must make while trading Although simple in its approach, it does take time to learn, but it is well worth it The system is built around a number of core concepts that were crucial to me, and if you have a grasp of them you will soon learn the MACD 3 approach - Trends, Support Resistance, Momentum and Multiple Timeframes In terms of performance, I was already doing reasonably well, but MACD 3 has h elped take me to another level The system is so logical and reliable that it has very few lossses, and keeps you out of bad trades while waiting for the high probability setups If you put the time and effort in, and attend the live sessions, you can definitely emulate the performance shown in the MACD 3 results I am also in the process of blending parts of another system i was using with MACD 3 and so far the results have been amazing The MACD 3 guys are definitely the real deal, and deliver what they say They do not promise it will be easy or you will be an overnight success, but that is the realities of serious, professional trading and they are well worth the investment. The Forex Trading Coach Review. The Forex Trading Coach Review. Training is suited to those who want to want to be technical traders. Webinars are at awkward times for US traders. As its name suggests, aka The Forex Trading Coach is a course that differs dramatically from most other Forex courses we ve reviewed For start ers, it is not run by a big institution or a group of traders The mastermind behind the website is Andrew Mitchem, known by his students as The Forex Trading Coach Mr Mitchem developed the course entirely on his own, and he continues to run it independently, relating to each student personally and providing personalized help when necessary I could tell that this Forex course was written by someone who d gone through the tough Forex learning curve and wanted to make the curve slightly less-steep for future traders and I liked relating to Andrew in that way, because it made me feel like I could also become a successful trader. For the purposes of this Forex course review, I registered for the course quickly and easily on the website The course is designed not only to prevent traders from wiping out quickly, but also to give them the tools they need to continue trading based on technical analysis on a long-term basis I m usually skeptical about online Forex courses, but The Forex Trading C oach put me completely at ease from the beginning, which I believe was due to his efforts to connect with me from the start. After I registered for The Forex Trading Coach s course, I received a few emails from Andrew including a rather lengthy PDF that explains the basics of Forex trading It included explanations of how the Fore market functions, how to calculate your own profit and loss, and how to raise your chances of profiting by analyzing the movements of currencies in the last hours, days and even weeks The document also had explanations about how to download and manage programs and tools that calculate everything for you to simplify the Forex trading process I was impressed to see that the PDF was highly secure, with a confirmation link and a lock on the document, so that it could not be shared or accessed without permission While I wasn t sure this was necessary, it did make me feel confident that The Forex Trading Coach takes pride in his work and that he is offering an exclus ive and unique Forex course. Once the background information was complete, the PDF provided with The Forex Trading Course focused mostly on trading based on Japanese Candlesticks, and it gave very specific explanations about how to understand the charts and how to analyze the clues and hints provided in the chart. When I started to get the idea of everything, I checked my email box and saw that Andrew reminded me that in two days he is having a live webinar online, and I was excited to see the principles that I d just learned put into practice Another email I received gave me access to a desk help page that had answers to virtually every question that I had Although I found that I received many more emails from The Forex Trading Coach than I originally anticipated, I found it surprisingly useful to receive each bit of information in a separate mail, so that I could keep my thoughts and emails organized. The Help Desk offered many answers to my Forex questions. I registered for the live webinar and accessed it with the secret code provided Upon entrance I saw Andrew speaking on his microphone and sharing his screen with the webinar s participants In his screen there was the chart that gives you details and clues about what might happen with all the pairs of currencies in the next minutes, hours and days. I was especially interested in how Andrew traded live in front of all of us with a real account When he wasn t actively placing trades, he was also recommending us of possible trades at that time During the webinar, participants could also ask Andrew quick questions but he could not answer all of them during the webinar, so I suspect that the HelpDesk was very busy afterwards. After about a week of studying the information provided by The Forex Trading Coach I felt comfortable to start placing small trades This comfort was compounded by the fact that I found Andrew to be accessible and th at the HelpDesk offered many answers to my questions, so I never felt like I was truly alone in my initial trades I know I have a long way to go before I become a fully successful trader, but I definitely feel like I m on the right track. Risk Disclaimer DailyForex will not be held liable for any loss or damage resulting from reliance on the information contained within this website including market news, analysis, trading signals and Forex broker reviews The data contained in this website is not necessarily real-time nor accurate, and analyses are the opinions of the author and do not represent the recommendations of DailyForex or its employees Currency trading on margin involves high risk, and is not suitable for all investors As a leveraged product losses are able to exceed initial deposits and capital is at risk Before deciding to trade Forex or any other financial instrument you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite We work har d to offer you valuable information about all of the brokers that we review In order to provide you with this free service we receive advertising fees from brokers, including some of those listed within our rankings and on this page While we do our utmost to ensure that all our data is up-to-date, we encourage you to verify our information with the broker directly. Risk Disclaimer DailyForex will not be held liable for any loss or damage resulting from reliance on the information contained within this website including market news, analysis, trading signals and Forex broker reviews The data contained in this website is not necessarily real-time nor accurate, and analyses are the opinions of the author and do not represent the recommendations of DailyForex or its employees Currency trading on margin involves high risk, and is not suitable for all investors As a leveraged product losses are able to exceed initial deposits and capital is at risk Before deciding to trade Forex or any other financial instrument you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite We work hard to offer you valuable information about all of the brokers that we review In order to provide you with this free service we receive advertising fees from brokers, including some of those listed within our rankings and on this page While we do our utmost to ensure that all our data is up-to-date, we encourage you to verify our information with the broker directly. DailyForex Alle rettigheter reservert 2006-2017. Andrew Mitchem Review Visit site. Live discussion. Join live discussion of Andrew Mitchem on our forum. Andrew Mitchem profile provided by Andrew Mitchem, Sep 1, 2015.Andrew Mitchem has been teaching traders from all parts of the world since 2009 Clients receive access to a membership site that contains many excellent trading resources - with the aim benig to help the client become an indpendant and successful Forex trader.1 The course and strategy is laid out in a series of easy to follow videos, screenshots and text.2 Andrew provides clients with a daily market analysis which can be used for the upcoming trading day - this also includes specific trades with the reasons for the trade setup and the exact entry and exit levels.3 Live webinars are held which allows clients to follow along in real time with Andrew s analysis of the market Trades are taken on a live account in front of clients.4 Trading software is provided which aids the decision making process.5 A comprehensive support site contains clients questions and answers to trading topics.6 Full email support is included. Up 9 15 af ter two weeks and after 8 years of trading, I have found my own mini holy grail. I started with Andrew course in October 2016, having listened to his podcasts as a quick filler, as they are only around 6 minutes, since 2014 I completed Andrew s online course over around 2 weeks and found this to be an excellent and well put together set of reading and video clips, reinforcing the words you have just read This was a refreshing and most helpful approach to better understand the concepts that are taught. After 8 years of having Forex as my hobby, having gone full circle and seen, tried and tested most approaches, with Andrew s help, it is all now coming together nicely. I have taken two previous courses that were also good, one in 2009 that was a pin bar method This taught good trading philosophy as well as good risk management and was useful, as well as taking another Trend Following course from a well known podcaster, this was also good, but again I was missing the ability to put a success ful trading approach together I have mostly remained break even over the years, frustratingly not quite getting to the consistantly profitable stage. Working in London and having a busy life is quite challenging I make use of the train journey to listen to the webinar recordings, these were every two weeks, although as of this week Andrew has one of his successfully taught traders, Paul, taking a webinar during the US session, rather than just having Andrew s during the NZ session This now means a live webinar every Thursday and the recording is then added to Andrew s website the next day. Andrew s course has brought together all what I have seen and tried over the years, but just could not quite reach where I knew I could get I am still facinated with following Forex and several of the indices that I follow Andrew s course has given me the logical and consistent approach that I had not been able to quite find myself. Andrew gives the required indicators and scripts that you need to follo w the simple, but considered approach that he teaches, thus this was the route to what is showing to be what I thought was not going to be possible, my own mini holy grail. I am up 9 15 this month two weeks so far and am pleased with how I am progressing This is from 21 trades taken across the D1 and H1 charts, with an. Many thanks thus far, I look forward to future trading success. Orange Country, USA. Awesome course, I learnt a lot and I am making consistent small profits as I am working with a 200 account The course gives you an insight into indicators and how this unique combination from Andrew works for your advantage Also every day he sends an update on the currency pair strength weakness and some Daily trade signals which are quite successful. Reply by Andrew Mitchem submitted Feb 22, 2017.Hi Ruchira, Thanks for your feedback It s great to know you are enjoying my coaching course and that it is helping you make consistent profits Keep up the great work and trading Regards, Andrew. Res ponse to Forex Trading Coach criticzing former client. I m writing this in response because Andrew chose to attack me and I think clients should have a response not just vendors My only regret after his response is that I bent over backwards in my first review to not just give a negative review and said many positive things Just like I predicted he would blame me for everything which is what unethical people in this industry do all the time You wont find his trading results posted anywhere where it is authenticated like myfxbook which is another trait of these types Another trait is focusing on longer-term trades where it is harder to determine their real returns. As to not learning, reviewing and implementing his methods I went thru at least six times, asked many questions, watched videos and webinars Just to prove it he teaches how to use pivot points correctly like institutional traders, bollinger bands, price action, he has a candle identifier software to help spot potential setups, the importance of round numbers, stochastic divergence He also teaches how to correctly use fibonacci levels like institutions do. Bottom line with his program the results for me were I spent over 2000, hundreds of hours over four months and never became profitable One month later after I realized I had to cut my loss and move on, I have been making consistent 3-5 gains in 3-4 hours trading one pair. Dec 16, 2016 - 2 Stars Here are the pros and cons of The Forex Trading and Andrew Mitchem. After spending over 2300 and wasting four months I had no success with his product and trading style I don t believe Andrew is a typical internet scam artist, His trading strategy seems technically sound and you learn some important tools that institutions use He is very passionate, does care, he answers your questions and has a live webinar every two weeks His course is put together real well and is made easy to understand. Before spending 2,000 for TFTC course you need to know some key things I joined and initially I thought his technical strategy would work on shorter-time frames I even got some good results using Forex tester on shorter-time frames I was so excited initially after joining I sent him an email complimenting him that on Forex Tester his strategy worked on all pairs and time frames However in reality anything under the four hour time frame just simply doesn t work His suggested potential trades of the daily chart are hit and miss I m sure he will claim I didn t work hard enough, follow what he teaches correctly or didn t practice good money management but I worked so hard at this that is BS These are the standard excuses and rationalizations of the people in this industry who continue to profit from others misery and naivete. If you ask him about his refund policy and he will tell you this is worth too much to just give away This tells you all you need to know He will then offer a confusing vague promise to refund your money after one year if his daily suggested trades don t perform to a standard It is so confusing you would need a lawyer to understand and it helped fool me into think he is bearing some risk on his side and standing behind his product These are techniques he has honed over the years to maximize his income In fairness he did refund the portion of unused mentor sessions to me and acted like he had done me a favor. However in reality if your a shorter-term trader and like me am looking to average a significant percentage gain per day on your capital instead of per week this is not what you have been searching for I even signed up for extra mentoring and that didn t accomplish anything My mentor who was not Andrew said to me that he knows Forex Traders who after ten years are happy with 1-1 5 per day I began with a a new service and mentor and within just a couple weeks I have been able to start scalping 3-5 gains per day on trading EURUSD only for only 3-4 hours per day My journey to Forex Hell and back took me over 2 5 years, 10,000 in products and services and I finally found someone who could help rescue me from Forex Hell. This is not a fake review and I could suggest one e-book that will tell you the truth about 99 of products that are sold about Forex I also wont mention the service is also reviewed on this site that is how I found it that turned around my trading because I don t want to violate any terms on this site I also don t want you to think I m just making this up to push one product over another However since I have been thru hell and I care so much that others don t go thru what I have. Reply by Andrew Mitchem submitted Dec 22, 2016 This is a really disappointing review from Mark in many ways. Mark came to me on 17th July 2016 asking about my course and telling me how he was desperate to earn a full time living from trading I wrote back to him explaining everything that was included in my course and how I trade and teach He then told me that he couldn t afford more debt and wanted some guarantees I expla ined that there were no guarantees in trading and I also told him not to join yet and suggested he come back to me when he was in a position to be comfortable spending the sort of money needed for the course - see a screenshot of that email here. Mark then decided to join on 30th July as I offered a 20 return guarantee with my course on a webinar he attended 2016 ended with a 35 gain for the year from my D1 chart suggestions Initial emails and contact were encouraging as he was back testing and sending me screenshots and results telling me how wonderful my course was. By September, Mark was complaining how he d spent so much time setting up profiles on his MT4 platform and he was having issues with MT4 I did my beat to help him, send him screenshots and videos, showing him on my live webinars how to set up profiles, suggesting he contact his broker after all MT4 is something offered by his broker, not me As time went on, it was clear that Mark had not hardly looked at the course Emails s tarted to sound more desperate and Mark was switching from time frame to time frame Mark was also spending crazy amounts of time at the screen, see here - I suggested he looks at trading longer time frame charts and trade for about 30 mins - 1 hour per day Instead, as Mark mentioned, he decided to seek extra tuition from an experienced and successful client of mine That was fine but he insisted on wanting to trade 5 and 15 minute charts While my strategy works fine on these charts, it does require more chart watching time and I felt Mark should be reducing his screen time On 10th October he decided to ask for a refund for the extra short time frame chart tuition, so I refunded him On 17th October, he then purchased private tuition for the longer time frame chart trading My tutor had a hard time on the lesson, with Mark being quite rude to him the sessions get recorded but on 21st October Mark decided to ask for more tuition again He failed to show up for a pre-arranged webinar time, in sisting that my tutor email him videos and screenshots My tutor spent 2 hours making videos and emailed everything to Mark, doing his very best to help him out Mark then wrote to me asking for a full refund on the fee he d paid for the tuition. Then I see this review on FPA. I have never once despite me asking seen trade history or chart screenshots of the trades Mark has taken. In my opinion and I ve been teaching people of all levels of experience for 8 years , we have done everything possible to help and assist Mark In fact, we have gone over and beyond what would be expected - and to help someone out, we are more than happy to do this However, in order to be a successful trader, you also need to have a level head and be able to help yourself. I have been a client of Andrew Mitchem for 3 months now, his course has helped me gain knowledge and a lot better understanding about the Forex Market His strategies have truly helped me get to where I wanted to be, and that is being profitable. Im very appreciative to have signed up for his course and seeing results I recommend people who are struggling with the Forex Market to sign up for his course if they would like to be educated. Reply by Andrew Mitchem submitted Oct 9, 2016.Hi Rachain, Thanks for your feedback I m really pleased to see that my course has helped you to become a profitable Forex trader Keep up the great work Regards, Andrew. Dear Bad Trader. If you are reading reviews because you need help to become a successful forex trader then this review is for you If you are wondering whether Andrew is the real deal he is Andrew Mitchem is the real deal, the ducks nuts, the dogs OK you get the idea. I have been training with Andrew for over a year This followed 10 years failing at trading stocks on the ASX I have been very slow to let go of my bad habits, my over trading, impulse entries, totally random arguments for trades I have been the quintessential undisciplined failing trader. I am your brother. But the good news is t hat six weeks and 96 trades ago I decided to just stop all the smart arse childish self-indulgent behaviour and just do exactly what Andrew said to do The result has been a bit up and down but averages out at 5 return on account per week If you can do a compounded return calculation on this, you will see that it is biblical on an annual basis and totally unbelievable except that I am actually living it You should note that Andrew s stated target is 1 5 weekly and that I have a slightly higher risk level than Andrew old habits die hard I guess. So my review of Andrew is that he is the real deal, the true teacher That s what I want to focus on in this review, his teaching ability But let s quickly cover the other aspects of Andrew s services. The Training Course This is an excellent step by step course that takes you through understanding forex, how to manage risk, how to select trades, where to enter, where to place protective stops, and where to take profits I have done some other course s and they were bogus non-specific general advice pieces that gave no real tools to improve your trading Andrew s course is razor sharp and specific about how to think and what to do. The fortnightly live trading sessions These are pure magic More than two hours each, joining Andrew and actual good traders discussing and taking live trades For each set up Andrew discusses what is good and bad about it with reference to the stuff he teaches in the course The whole experience is completely coherent He also discusses recent daily trades taken and not taken Oh yeh, and there is a library of his historical webinars that go back to 2010 I have watched most of these and there is no inconsistency in his logic and methodology The most agonizing part of this has been listening, for a-year-less-six-weeks, to other pupil traders discussing trades with Andrew and how they have made money, done the right thing, followed the process god I hated them.3 Tools Andrew was once a terrible trader who made a ll the same mistakes you and I have made Just read his free trading autobiography Once he got his sh together he developed tools that show key things in charts and help you size your trades correctly I have a high level of mathematical learning and can even do a bit of coding, but Andrew s tools are not some dumb process automation rubbish, they are the distilled understanding of his years of learning.4 Direct support Actually I can t comment on this very well because I am very independent and a bit too Scottish and so I don t like to ask for help I have not made direct one on one contact with Andrew very often However, when I have he has responded quickly and with real value Some of the other reviews bang on at great length about his one on one support and I accept their assessment.5 Forum Andrew has very recently launched a user s forum for his clients I have registered but not used it yet I suspect it will be a great Andrew method fan-person site, I just have not had time I started a new job last week.6 One-on-one personal training I understand that Andrew will actually travel to you and sit with you and do one-on-one training I did not do this, but I suspect it would be fantastic But my advice would be not to do this as a first step I am about to talk about Andrew as a teacher and you will understand why in a minute. OK, so let s talk about Andrew as a teacher There are plenty of people who are amazing at what they do but can t teach it to others There are plenty of people who love teaching but still aren t that good at it You have met these people they are great and passionate people but simply can t teach I am married to an amazing classroom teacher with 30 years of experience and she has a special gift and passion to support it Her results are truly amazing. She is an amazing teacher and Andrew is another. Andrew communicates a consistent and coherent message about how to trade That teaching is clear and specific about why to trade a pair, when to enter, when to stop out, where to take profits He calmly and clearly explains how to get ready to trade, how to assess strength and weakness Everything he teaches is completely coherent across the training course, his comments in live trades, and his historical analysis of past trades There is never a moment where you go hang on but last month you said or hang on where does that agreement come from. My breakthrough came because I had watched him clearly explain what he was doing, why he was doing it, and then seeing it work again and again and again After 11 months of arrogant pride I just surrendered and started to really listen and learn You will find other reviews that talk about getting to success in a few weeks with Andrew, I can totally believe those humble bast s It was just that I am strong minded and pigheaded and refused to let go of my bad habits. I know I am laboring the point here but it is the most important point and I really want you to understand it Andrew teaches you everything he kn ows and he teaches it very very well He holds nothing back I have been with Andrew long enough to see him add in new subtleties he has just learned In recent months he has talked more about staged exits than he did in maybe 2010 Whatever he knows he gives to you There is no elite club, no extra special special friends who have paid gold club membership, there is no special tools that are essential to his method that cost a fortune on top of the full registration There are no gimmicks That said, I did choose to buy one of his extra tools called PFO for a modest sum that automates your trade placement using the discipline of his method, but you could just use the simpler free tool if you want - it just takes a bit longer. Disclaimer I am not a personal friend or family member of Andrew s, I received no special deal or kickback from this review, I am just a grateful pupil I have re-written this review four times and am in a lot of trouble from my wife for the time invested in doing that Bu t I did the redrafts because I really want you to understand that I am a real person like you and that Andrew is the real deal By the by, you should stop and consider how many of Andrew s other reviews are really really long this tells you something about his effectiveness. OK, if you have read all the way to here then I suspect you are sincerely wanting help and I would like to challenge you Do you have the humility to learn from a great teacher how to do this thing we call forex trading If so your choice is simple I gotta go now the kids need their dinner. Reply by Andrew Mitchem submitted Oct 9, 2016.Hi Iain, That s a great story It goes to show that coming back to the basics and sticking to the trading plan do work Great job with making 5 per week, that s an excellent achievement Regards, Andrew. A great place to take charge of your trading career and avoid some of the errors that have been made by many a trader. I have had past experience with forex trading before and as most traders who have started out I got the speed wobbles got to cocky and crashed At this point which was over 10 years ago I let trading go but I always thought back to it and thought that the markets owed me which is a massive mistake Upon deciding to start up my journey trading again I looked for someone in my country who was successful as a trader I found this amiable chap called Andrew Mitchem and read his book in one night which is a excellent narration of how he started out his highs and lows through his trading career What I liked about Andrew is his transparency and his passion to see others succeed trading for everyone is different and my perception on it is to make great trades with your trading strategy forget about the money aspect and enjoy your trading and everything else that is a by product of this will see you reach your goals Having Andrew as a mentor and a coach is fantastic he replies to your questions and looks after his stable of students We have a online forum where we post our trading setups and thoughts and its a fantastic medium to learn and grow with some fantastic traders posting regularly And on a fortnightly basis we have a webinar trading room placing live trades, a great way to see trade setups and learn the skillset necessary to become successful your looking at becoming a trader a highly recommend as a fantastic place to learn and prosper in this awesome market Be prepared to put time and effort in and accept you are an apprentice and you will along with Andrews guidance and knowledge become the trader you want to be. Reply by Andrew Mitchem submitted Oct 9, 2016.Hi Brent, Thanks for your comments I m really pleased you enjoyed my book and you are doing well since taking my coaching course As you say, people needs to be prepared to put in some time and effort and if they do, it will pay off for them Regards, Andrew. Review by student back from 2012.I first done Andrews course back in 2012 and my goal was simple - be a full time trader. It s now 2 016 and I can finally say I ve done it. I trade full time now and have quit my full time job as an engineer. Yes, it has taken me more time that I initially planned me - optimist , but I could not have done it without Andrew. I still regularly go over his course material to improve my trading. If you are serious about your trading career Andrew is your mentor. On top of that Andrew is a great, approachable guy that will always respond to your questions and give you his advice. Jul 23, 2012 - 5 Stars I was struggling with my trading for about 3 years, done other trading courses, bought trading systems and robots, but was not getting anywhere Then 6 months ago I found Andrew course reviews on FPA and decided to give Forex the one last go with Andrews course and I m so glad I did. Ever since I joined Andrews course 6 months ago, my trading has been getting better and better week after week Finally I have 2 positive months in row. We all know how hard trading is so don t expect a get rich quick sc heme here, but with lot of hard work and a mentor like Andrew you will have the best possible chance of succeeding in this tough market. After struggling for so long I can finally see my goal, been a full time trader, in my sight. Thank You, Andrew. Reply by Andrew Mitchem submitted Oct 9, 2016.Hi Ivo, I m really pleased for you It s so good to see how your trading has turned around so much since taking my course back in 2012 Fantastic to see you are now trading full time and doing so well Great effort Regards, Andrew. I initially invested in TheForexTradingCoach in 2012 Notice that I said Invested, because I never considered it an expense or a cost It has been an investment based on the returns that I have generated by following Andrew s training I have just recently retired from a very demanding career that involved a minimum of sixty hours a week plus travel, which certainly impacted the available time to trade Also had some health issues that slowed me down Since I ve been away from tr ading for a while, I m very anxious to pick up where I left off My plans are to begin at the Start Here point and completely review the entire program for any tweaks that may have been introduced I can t over emphasize to new members of TheForexTradingCoach the importance of reading and studying all sections of the training in the order of presentation Actually, the information is so well developed and presented that I m looking forward to the task-at-hand there is a direct correlation between time invested in studying and return on investment In addition, I have always been impressed with the immediate attention I ve received from Andrew and his professional staff TheForexTradingCoach provides all that a person requires in order to become a successful forex trader. My best regards from the Lone Star state, Gary. Reply by Andrew Mitchem submitted Oct 9, 2016.Hi Gary, Thanks for your comments I like the fact you mentioned you saw the initial outlay in my course back in 2012 as an investme nt - that s such a good way to describe the joining fee I m glad you are enjoying your trading Regards, Andrew. I have been interested in the potential opportunity offered by Forex trading for a few years but, in the absence of a structured learning path and very limited free time to wade through the masses of unstructured information on the Internet, my interest had never - to my frustration - progressed beyond just that. Then, several months ago, I stumbled upon Andrew s website, began listening avidly to his podcasts and then eventually, quietly participated in one of his free webinars for beginners. To be honest, even though I had found all the free content that Andrew offers to be genuinely informative and very well presented, I was still a little hesitant of making the financial commitment to his online video course As much as anything else, even if the course itself didn t disappoint and despite my long-held interest in the subject and desire to learn more, I was wary of whether my own commitment would carry through and justify the investment. However, it is now about 4 weeks since I subscribed and whilst it is very, very early days in terms of my learning, personal development and hopefully eventual success, I have absolutely no regrets about committing to Andrew s course The materials are extensive, engaging, very thorough and presented in a structured self-paced learning format Beyond this, though, is the personalised approach to everything and the rapid and genuinely helpful response to any queries I also find that the daily trading suggestions are a great way to advance my learning in a real-world context, by reverse engineering how Andrew has arrived at them in the first place. It remains to be seen whether I will achieve my goal of becoming a consistently profitable Forex trader but I feel confident that I am at least following a viable path with an excellent mentor and fully recommend the course to anyone that is in a similar position to myself. Reply by An drew Mitchem submitted Oct 9, 2016.Hi Simon, I m pleased you enjoyed my podcasts and found them useful It s also nice to know you like what you see in my course I ll be doing everything I can to helping you achieve your goals Regards, Andrew.

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